Project KART
A 3d KART racing game ala Mario Kart but with realistic physics.
Dev: Bleeding Edge Software
Main Code: Don Davidstein
Sub Code:Rel/Rattrapmax6
Models: Don Davidstein/Rattrapmax6
Model:Rel j/k
Filename: | Date: 09/27/06 | Version: 0.000000001bs | Size: 10.96mb | Downloads: 2394 |
Sokoban 3d
Dr_D's and Zap's take on the sokoban game but in full 3d!!!
Filename: Sokoban_Demo.rar | Date: 10/25/06 | Version: xxxxx | Size: 3.43mb | Downloads: 2540 |
Marvelous Twilight
Art: Adigun A. Polack
Code: Relsoft
A fun shoot-em-up(SHMUP) in the mold of Parodius and Harmful Park. The difference is, this is a "manic cute-em-up" . ie. Lots of bullets and lots to dodge.
A really cool project. One of the more fun project that I've been part of.
Source and Media available.
Filename: | Date: 11/24/06 | Version: 0.00001btx | Size: 342.73kb | Downloads: 2404 |
Octree Based Render
This is one way to speed up the rendering of your 3d engines. What this does is subdivide your model into sub meshes, batch triangles accordng to texture then makes display lists of all the submeshes. At render time frustum culling is used to cull the nodes that are not visible inside the view frustum.
** If anyone wants to use code from this demo, please contact us first. We will be happy to allow you to use any of the cde in this render but we want to know who would use the engine and for what purposes it will be used.
Filename: octree.rar | Date: 03/25/07 | Version: Final | Size: 1.47mb | Downloads: 2405 |
Quadtree Demo
A quadtree based render. This makes your static terrains run like you mama.
Filename: | Date: 04/05/07 | Version: final | Size: 783.39kb | Downloads: 2412 |
A 3d game where you hurl a bunch of pool balls to a target. Addictive and fun!!!
Doc made it for the kids.
Developer: Doc Dav
Tools: Frebasic/GLFW
Filename: | Date: 09/26/06 | Version: Final | Size: 1.68mb | Downloads: 2441 |
GL Caster
DEV: Dr_Davidstein
Here is a raycaster thing I was working on back in 2004 or 2003? It uses the same math routines as that little ball demo you guys have seen floating around. It has an incomplete level editor included. Keep in mind that this was written back in like .14 or .15, so it wont compile with later versions of FB. I dug this up because Pritchard inspired me to do so. We might finish this later because it would be fun to make some Wolfenstein type games with. In the meantime, if anyone wold like to try to make sense out of it, go ahead. I was really just starting to learn about Fb when I wrote this code. lol
Filename: Gl_Caster.rar | Date: 01/06/07 | Version: 0.1b | Size: 470.73kb | Downloads: 2412 |
A pretty nice puzzle game where you try to connect tubes. Inspired by a flash game.
Dev: Doc D.
Tools: FB/GLFW/OpenAL
Filename: | Date: 09/26/06 | Version: final | Size: 961.75kb | Downloads: 2423 |
This program shows picking/placement of objects on a sphere using OpenGL.
Filename: -1 | Date: 01/26/07 | Version: ? | Size: 0b | Downloads: 2555 |